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Pakistan Inter Bank Exchange Rates  

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

17 Nov 2009 8:54 PST

30 DAYS82.8019139.156277.1627123.814279.0155
60 DAYS82.1991138.112576.5119122.896178.5843
90 DAYS81.6510137.163075.8455122.056078.1272
120 DAYS81.1030136.211975.2452121.215477.7324
150 DAYS80.5549135.258574.5000120.374777.2323
180 DAYS80.0069134.312673.7116119.537476.7026



6 MONTHS US DOLLAR0.520617.11.2009

Nov 17 2009 12:56PM
One WeekTwo WeeksOne MonthThree MonthsSix MonthsNine MonthsTwelve MonthsTwo YearsThree Years

Source:Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited

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Online Banking  

Friday, November 6, 2009

Online banking is the practice of making bank transactions or paying bills via the Internet. Thanks to technology, and the Internet in particular, we no longer have to leave the house. We can shop online, communicate online, and now, we can even do our banking online. Online banking allows us to make deposits, withdrawals and pay bills all with the click of a mouse. It doesn't get much more convenient than that.
In the UK over 40pc of the adult population (nearly 20.6m people or 55pc of internet users) now bank online. Most fraud on online bank accounts involves a customer being duped into giving away their user passwords and security information.
Because the banks' own systems have proved difficult to attack, criminals have turned their attention to getting information directly from online banking customers themselves. The two most common attempted scams currently used by online fraudsters are phishing and spyware.

Advantages of online banking
* Convenience: Unlike your corner bank, online banking sites never close; they're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they're only a mouse click away.
* Ubiquity: If you're out of state or even out of the country when a money problem arises, you can log on instantly to your online bank and take care of business, 24/7.
* Transaction speed: Online bank sites generally execute and confirm transactions at or quicker than ATM processing speeds.
* Efficiency: You can access and manage all of your bank accounts, including IRAs, CDs, even securities, from one secure site.
* Effectiveness: Many online banking sites now offer sophisticated tools, including account aggregation, stock quotes, rate alerts and portfolio managing programs to help you manage all of your assets more effectively. Most are also compatible with money managing programs such as Quicken and Microsoft Money

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5 Tips For A Good Forex System  

Maybe you a already involved in forex trading or maybe you are just starting out. Irrespective, with there being so many products, strategies and systems available on the market today, it becomes increasing difficult to choose a forex system. So what is a good forex system?

In my experience, the five basic characteristics of a good forex system are as follows:

  • It should be consistent and "unemotional". What I mean by this is that you want to avoid erratic trading behaviour. You want a system that does the correct thing most of the time, over and over again. There is no system that can claim 100% profitable trades, but you want a system that performs profitable trades most of the time. The system should allow the trader to only trade on predetermined criteria or market conditions and not on emotions.
  • It should use tested trading strategies. The system should have been thoroughly tested, both back and forward testing and preferably also on live account. This is to demonstrate the effectiveness of its strategy. You want to follow a system that has proven itself and can show results.
  • It should preserve capital. Without capital you cannot trade. Your aim is firstly to make profit but also to minimise capital erosion or draw-down. Therefore, the system should incorporate stop-loss strategies and parameters. The one thing you want to avoid is to have 10 or 20 consecutive profitable trades followed by one "wipe-out" trade. Capital preservation is a very important aspect of any good forex system.
  • It should fit in with the trader's circumstances and approach. Some systems may be better than others, but might be completely wrong for the trader's circumstances. You may have a day job and cannot trade for a large part of the day - an intensive manual system requiring dedicated focus for many hours a day may then not be your answer.
  • It should be adaptable. What I mean by this is that the system should cater for changes in market conditions, for example release of important market data and adapt its strategy accordingly. Not only must it be able to adapt to market conditions, but also to the individual. All traders follow different strategies in terms of lot size, profit targets, stop-loss settings, etc. The systems should at least allow you to trade according to the strategy you feel comfortable with.
There are other criteria one must consider before in deciding on a system, but the 5 tips above will definitely assist you in choosing a good forex system. These criteria should be applied equally to manual and automated trading systems. In order to be successful, it is important to do proper homework and be diligent in your trading efforts

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How Forex Money Management Protects Currency Traders  

If you consider Forex money management a boring distraction from the real fun of Forex trading, you've missed the whole point. Before you can make any real and consistent gains in the Forex, you must come to understand that money management is just as important as the trading part. One of the most essential ingredients of successful Forex trading is the unfailing use of money management techniques to minimize losses and protect your gains.
Before you even begin laying out money and making trades, you'll want to decide on a set of Forex money management guidelines. Placing bets without any kind of safety net is irresponsible toward yourself and your family.
Successful traders recommend that you start small and gain a gut-level grasp of the markets before moving on to bigger bets. Hoping for a big score right at the beginning is the mark of a casino gambler, not an investor.

The best advice:
Keep your risk, right from the beginning, at about one percent or less of your total equity on any one trade. Keeping your risk low, in the one percent range, protects you if disaster strikes and you have a string of losses. You could actually survive 20 consecutive bad trades and still have 80 percent of your equity remaining. Taking tiny little one percent baby steps may seem boring, but it certainly beats being wiped out by a run of adverse trades. It will ensure that you're still around to invest next week, next month and next year. It also helps you safely build confidence, judgment and experience.

Many new Forex traders ask how much they should put into their trading account. The surest and wisest advice is never, ever bet your rent or grocery money. In other words, only use money you can afford to lose. Yes, I know that in your special case there aren't going to be any losses, and you're in a big hurry to make it big. But long experience says it's not going to happen that way for you either. If you were to lose everything you invest, would you and your family still eat okay? Would you still be in your home, or would you have to move into your brother-in-law's basement? Just think about this, okay?

It's important for you to know about the four stops. These are standard (and very wise) ways to prevent losses from ravaging your finances as you begin trading the Forex markets. You or your broker can use one or more of these four stops to protect your money.

1. Equity Stop
This stop lets you decide beforehand how much you're prepared to risk on a single trade, and you won't risk anything beyond that percentage. A beginner may set the equity stop to one or two percent. Once you've gained considerable experience, you might eventually raise this to five percent, but never forget that at the 5% level, ten consecutive bad trades (not impossible) could wipe out half of your account.

Downside: This stop makes no allowance for positive fluctuations. The protection is strong, but if you never vary from it, you may miss out on some of the more profitable trades. When you're a newbie, the safety net it provides while you're learning is more important than any gains you might miss while you'e learning.

2. Chart Stop
The trading charts that technical analysis provides can be accurate indicators of market movements. Technically minded traders who live, eat and breathe mathematics and probabilities often love chart stops. But the smart ones don't get reckless. They also include equity stops in their calculations.

Downside: Generating charts and analyzing them can take significant time for newbies. This is time in which the market has moved on, leaving all that beautifully charted data a little (or a lot) outdated.

3. Volatility Stop
Related to the chart stop but more complex, this one assigns risk values according to volatility rather than price action. Until you're experienced in Forex trading, it's best to leave this difficult technique to your broker. It's based on subtle and sophisticated evaluations of high versus low volatility of currency pairs and assigns greater or lesser risk to each market situation.

Downside: Demands steady, unflinching nerves and a great deal of experience.

4. Margin Stop
With the Margin Stop you're deciding beforehand that you'll get out of any trade before you're out of money. If you have ,000 in your account, setting your margin to 0 means you'll trade with the top textarea,500 but if your losses ever reach that amount, you'll close your position and preserve that last 0.

Downside: It's hard to find a downside to the Margin Stop. You keep control of your account, even when using an account manager.

Forex money management is essential when trading in the currency markets. And these stops are important backup measures to be used in tandem with your own patience, caution and growing judgment to minimize losses while maximizing your gains

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Forex Scalping  

Forex scalping aims to make use of small price movements and the bid-ask spread in order to turn a quick profit in a short time. Although each profit is naturally small, significant sums may be gathered by persistent trading.

The most basic form of scalping is the usage of the bid-ask spread. The scalper attempts to make a very quick profit by exploiting this gap during periods of price fluctuations. As volatility causes the bid-ask spread to widen, the scalper moves very quickly to turn the price movement into profit. There are other traders who don’t utilize the bid-ask spread, but generally trade very small sums for very short periods with the hope of patiently accumulating gains over a longer time period.

Scalping can be a relatively low risk method for the consistent and disciplined trader who knows when to cut his losses and is cautious about taking only the trade that meets his predefined standards. Successful exploitation of the bid-ask spread can be especially fruitful, but it depends on the ability to avoid periods of stress and volatility in the markets. At times of great stress, the bid-ask spread can rapidly widen to unexpected levels and the stop-loss order placed by the scalper may rapidly lose its significance, wiping out the gains of considerable past effort. The scalper must have clear goals, discipline and acquire time-tested money management skills in order to avoid being swallowed when the market turns nasty

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Description of the Forex | sigma forex  

The Forex market, established in 1971, was created when floating exchange rates began to materialize. The Forex market is not centralized, like in currency futures or stock markets. Trading occurs over computers and telephones at thousands of locations worldwide.
The Foreign Exchange market, commonly referred as FOREX, is where banks, investors and speculators exchange one currency to another. The largest foreign exchange activity retains the spot exchange (i.e.., immediate) between five major currencies: US Dollar, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Eurodollar and the Swiss Franc. It is also the largest financial market in the world. In comparison, the US stock market may trade $10 billion in one day, whereas the Forex market will trade up to $2 trillion in one single day. The Forex market is an opened 24 hours a day market where the primary market for currencies is the 24-hour Interbank market. This market follows the sun around the world, moving from the major banking centres of the United States to Australia and New Zealand to the Far East, to Europe and finally back to the Unites States.
Until now, professional traders from major international commercial and investment banks have dominated the FX market. Other market participants range from large multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, international money brokers, and futures and options traders, to private speculators.
There are three main reasons to participate in the FX market. One is to facilitate an actual transaction, whereby international corporations convert profits made in foreign currencies into their domestic currency. Corporate treasurers and money managers also enter the FX market in order to hedge against unwanted exposure to future price movements in the currency market. The third and more popular reason is speculation for profit. In fact, today it is estimated that less than 5% of all trading on the FX market is actually facilitating a true commercial transaction.
The FX market is considered an Over The Counter (OTC) or ‘Interbank’ market, due to the fact that transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network. Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. A true 24-hour market, Forex trading begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins in each financial center, first to Tokyo, London, and New York. Unlike any other financial market, investors can respond to currency fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur - day or nigh

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Free Forex Trading System – Make Big Profits in 15 Minutes a Day!  

Here we will look at a Forex trading which is very simple to understand and easy to make money with. We will give you all you need to know about this system in this article and how you can use it for currency trading success…

The Free Forex trading system we are going to look at only has one rule and was devised by trading legend Richard Donchian. The system takes advantage of a simple 4 week cycle which occurs in currencies – Let’s look at the rule and its this:

Buy any break to a new 4 week high in a currency and hold it. Simply wait for a new 4 week low to be hit and sell it. Keep doing this as 4 week highs and lows are hit and always maintain a position in the market.

It’s incredibly simple but if you test it works and will get you in on all the biggest trends and help you hold them. Breakout trading is logical and always works, as markets always trend in addition, all new trends start and continue from new market highs and lows.

This system has been used by some of the best professional traders and while it’s simple, that’s an advantage in Forex trading as all the best systems are.

Today, you will see a huge amount of Forex robots and Expert Advisors sold online which claim they can make you money but this system, over the long term will beat them all. Even better our Free system has a real track record, while the new trendy robots just have simulations and back tests on paper so before you spend your money on one of these systems, test this great free one.

The system can trade any financial market not just currencies and works best on a spread of currencies and other financial instruments. You can also restrict drawdown, by adding exit filters based on either a one or two week moving averages.

The system doesn’t trade much and it gives you a simple objective signal you follow which will take no more than 15 minutes a day to check. This system is simple, logical, time efficient and can help you enjoy currency trading success.

It’s free of course, so you have nothing to lose by taking a look at it; check it out and see for yourself

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Mini Forex Trading  

Mini forex trading was created for new traders entering the forex market. The mini forex account is designed to be one tenth the size of the standard account and the pip value is just $1 per pip. The mini forex account is beneficial for new traders to improve their forex trading skills while being exposed to less financial risk on the market.
Success in the forex market and becoming a profitable trader depends on a lot of practice and experience. It is still essential to practice first with the demo trading software to enable you to get comfortable with the trading platform and to get a feel of the real market. Once you get an idea of what to expect in the forex market, it is wise that you should open a mini forex trading account. Now you are dealing with real money.
Although you might risk losing real money, mini forex trading accounts only requires a small investment of money. It can also give you a small amount of profit. The key to mini forex trading is to enhance your skills until you are ready to trade with the big traders

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International Trading: The Forex Market Style  

International Trading: The Forex Market Style

1. Extremely Liquid Market
2. 24 Hour Market
3. Forex market is simply the trading of one currency for another base on the value of the two currencies involved. Almost all countries in the world trade currencies; it’s about buying or selling their currency for another country’s currency that involves determining how much their currency is worth in terms of the other. Therefore, currencies whose value is comparatively less than other currencies don’t get to be traded often, unlike those currencies that have high value.The exchange of currencies happen 24/7 around the world, in fact, an estimated two-trillion dollars worth of money are exchange in a single day – a pretty gargantuan sum. Just imagine how many millions it needs to accumulate a trillion – let alone two-trillion – and this exchange happened everyday! This is one industry well loved by people who like to be involved in something where huge sum of money is handled everyday.You can find in the Forex market just about every currency in the world that you need. For every currency in the world, there’s a corresponding three-letters symbol assigned to it for easy recognition during trading. For instance, the United States dollar is recognized as USD, Japanese Yen as JPY, British Pound as GBP, and the Euro as EUR. It’s not a crime to buy and sell different currencies in a day or trade one currency one day at a time. Forex trading is only facilitated by a broker or companies; they are going to charge for the transaction which is only normal. Therefore, consider you number of trades and the fee your broker requires before ending with a high transaction fee.Trades happened everyday but the most actively traded currencies today are between the USD and the EUR. Next to this is the trade between JPY and the USD and between GBP and the USD. These currencies are among the top of the food chain when it comes to currency trading because of their robustness in the market. Currency trading is possible 24/7 because markets open and close 24/7 around the world. The different time zones around the world, in fact, are one of the major considerations when a trader engages in the Forex market.Know that in Forex trading, you’ll only be presented with symbols and signs that could mean either a loss or a gain for your traded currency – this is true across all countries and currencies. For example, you’ll see symbols like EURzzz/USDzzz (where ‘zzz’ represents the percentage of trading and your margin for profit). Another example is AUSzzz/USDzzz if you’re trading between Australian dollar and US dollar. It pays to learn and study these symbols so that you would not be confused during trading; however, it’s easy to understand these signs once you’ve seen your Forex statements or your online receipt

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Forex Trading Concept with SigmaForex  

Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The foreign exchange market ( FOREX ) is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $1.3 trillion daily; more than three times the aggregate amount of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another. The lack of a physical exchange enables the Forex market to operate on a 24-hour basis, spanning from one zone to another across the major financial centers.
Traditionally, investors' only means of gaining access to the foreign exchange market was through banks that transacted large amounts of currencies for commercial and investment purposes. Trading volume has increased rapidly over time, especially after exchange rates were allowed to float freely in 1971.
Forex Trading Advantages

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Who are the Players in the Forex Markets?  

The trading that exists between currencies of two countries is termed as the foreign exchange market or the Forex market. These exchanges of currencies are facilitated by brokers or a financial institution in the timeliest manner. Today, Forex trading is no longer strange to the masses and many individuals are already engaged in this business, which really does not come very far from the stock market. The difference between the two, however, is that Forex is comparatively larger in scale than the Forex market. Practically all kinds of individuals and institutions are engaged in Forex such as the banks, governments, businesses, brokers, and even individual traders who are often called speculators. The state of the financial market and the economy is what determines the state of the currency of a particular country. A very large sum of money is changing hands in the Forex market; an amount reaching to trillions of dollars everyday.According to the records, the largest sum of money that change hands over these past years happened between banks, something called an interbank transaction. In fact, 50 percent of the Forex transactions are facilitated by the banks. This goes to show that banks use Forex to earn money from the deposits made by the people and the businesses to them. Part of these earnings goes to the interest these banks pay to their depositors. In fact, Forex trading is one of the best income earners of many banks around the world. Some banks allow their deposits to be traded on Forex and ready them the next morning for withdrawals by their depositors.Big companies also trade their cash reserves in Forex to gain income. Example of this blue chip companies and financial institutions that trade Forex are Deutsche Bank, UBS, Citigroup, HSBC, Barclays, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and many others. Forex trading is part of their strategy to increase wealth of their stock holders. Smaller companies also participates in Forex although not as broadly as the big companies for obvious reasons.A country’s Central Bank plays a very important role when it comes to taking care of the Forex market and the Forex rate for its nation. In fact, the Central Bank is what determines the amount of money to be put in circulation and to some extent; it could affect the interest rate if needed – although other countries would cry foul if intervention is done. A large volume of trading usually happens in premiere markets such as in Tokyo, New York, and London. Of course, smaller markets around the world are also doing trading but not as large scale as these markets being mentioned. What ever the result of trading by these large companies and corporations in Forex, a portion of it is passed on to their investors – that is to say loss or gain

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How To Practice In Forex Market?  

If you have the impulse to learn more about foreign marketplaces and international trading mechanisms, be mindful that you are gambling a lot if you get into these marketplaces without any experience. The World Wide Web Wide Web] enables the opportunity to run tests and computer simulations while learning the techniques in which forex dealing is carried out. The international marketplaces are inclusive of many nations where foreign monies are pitted against each other and are worth more or less than the original valued currencies that are being traded. The forex marketplaces are employed to build the financial wealth of nations, banks and brokers, and for many nations.

To learn what you need to know about the forex market, you’ll need to find some forex test application or learning program you can make use of. When you start the testing you will input information about what you are interested in and you can then install the program on your system. By monitoring your progress you will learn about your methods in the forex market. This playing around will make you more considerate of what happens daily, how the markets open and close, and how different the various countries currencies really are.
Shortly after you start your account, you’ll be able to determine where you’ll be able to read the news, find and compare markets, and make ‘fake’ trades so you can watch your money build or be eaten away in losses. As you develop a skill for using the system, you will become more and more prepared, learned and you will be able to kick off some major trades. You will want to remain dedicated to a forex broker in order to ensure your trades go through, but you will have confidence regarding the market and what calls you may want to make when you read about the news, the markets, and the currencies in other countries

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Why You should Be The trading FOREX  

Hold you heard of the forex market before? The forex marketplace is a interval that is recurrently used to interpret the foreign exchange bazaar. If you are unfamiliar mask the forex or the foreign exchange market, you are urged to gate the age to familiarize yourself adumbrate solid. Following a close examination, you will remark that polished are an unlimited cipher of reasons why you should be trading the forex, if you aren't just now understanding since.The foreign exchange market was basic admitted power 1971. Bodily revolves around the exchange or the trading of foreign currencies. Forex traders, or foreign exchange market participants, exchange one nation's currency for fresh nation's currency. The foreign exchange market grew power laud through unfeigned was learned that the exchange rates for foreign currencies ofttimes floated or various. This is site the potential of forming a profit came significance. Fast forward to today and a unit of developments keep helped to optimization the deification of the forex; developments that have make-believe the forex the largest capital market impact the creation.Today that you perceive the basics concerning the forex market, you may be jar if sincere is hold water for you. What you may not notice is that the forex has evolved overtime. Being factual was mentioned major, a figure of developments had a profound effect on the foreign exchange bazaar. One of those developments was forex brokerages, whom already opening to the general public significance the 1990's. Disguise the assistance of brokers, copious "everyday" tribe proverb an fighting chance to trade the forex. For sundry, this was something that once was viewed through being out of their span. Whether you are an experienced trader, congeneric being someone who has dealt cover the stock marketplace on a daily basis, or supine if you didn't fully master what the foreign exchange marketplace was until today, you subjection still trade the forex. Leadership fact, if properly executed, you may steady be able to prepare a substantial profit struggle therefore.Unlike the stock market, the foreign exchange bazaar is unbolted for trading twenty - four hours a space, five days a stint. The motive for this is through of marketplace dwelling locations; trading occurs fix locations corresponding because the United States, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Due to antithetic space zones, the forex market is unlocked twenty - four hours a instance. Sway actuality, that twenty - four continuance know-how to trade on the forex is decent enhanced one of the sundry reasons why you should be trading the forex, if you aren't commenced caution for. Essentially, ace is no exchange seat or clearing joint. Instead, forex traders and their brokers deal today stash other brokers, banks and interbanks.Clout addition to the expertise to bag whenever you posses the term to make therefrom or the might to reconnoitre help from a forex mart brokerage adamant or broker, you should and be trading the forex as once you master how the outmost sparring match market spirit, trading may be reformed a stale blastoff enhanced share as you. Before you tuck searching through a forex brokerage to chore obscure, original is advised that you challenge forex practicality courses. Forex action courses are typically offered by brokerage firms, but known are now a symbol of doing courses that are now offered by those gone hidden agendas. Teeming brokerage firms offer you gratis or discounted forex familiarity courses, infinitely of which are sub - stale, unparalleled shield the hopes of acquiring you through a client. Instant the price is helpful, you shouldn't charter a handout or discounted training course scare up your forex marketplace broker or brokerage firm for you.When searching for a forex training course or program, you are urged to examine Fxcenter. com. The mission of FxCenter. com is to prepare you for forex trading. Since they are a training bull's eye, not a brokerage firm, you are disposed the ultimate trim of training and education available, disoriented helping esoteric agendas. Importance detail, the one and unique purpose of FxCenter. com is to adequately prepare you for trading on the foreign exchange mart. When skill this, FxCenter. com staff life by the faith that grade learning is more useful than rushed learning. For that basis, you will contemplate that sundry training courses have need at headmost a minimum of twenty hours worth of initial lessons. Completing each training course predominance phases that and includes alive bazaar trading should use you fondle moneyed trading on the foreign exchange mart. This comfort will be critical when placing your own trades, and besides unit you avoid some undesirable risks.

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SigmaForex The Forex Market and Understanding Foreign Exchange Rates  

Unlike the stock exchange, the Forex Market (foreign exchange market) is a relatively new player to the investment world. Today's current Forex market model started in the early 1970's, and today it represents the biggest financial market around, even surpassing the stock market. With trading surpassing $2 trillion dollars per day, the Forex market attracts more and more investors all the time. Before an investor starts trading on the Forex market, he should grasp the fundamentals of how exchange rates work.
Exchange rates
Basically, the exchange rate represents the rate of exchange between two currencies. Most currencies are traded, or paired up against the dollar. The five most common currencies traded on the market are the dollar (USD), euro (EUR), the yen (JPY), the British pound (GBP), and the Swiss franc (CHF). Some other currencies that are traded are the Australian dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Hong Kong dollar.
In the exchange rate or ratio, the numerator represents the quote currency and the denominator the base currency, which always equals one.
Let's say that an investor wants to exchange euros for dollars. In this case, the euro currency is the quote currency, or how much currency you have to exchange. The base currency is the dollar. The investor researches the current exchange rate (euros converted into dollars) either on the Internet, through the bank, broker, etc., and then multiplies that amount by the number of euros to exchange. Let's say that the exchange rate is 1.57959. That means that 1.57959 euros must be paid to receive one dollar. If he has 1000 euros to exchange, then he can receive $1,579.59 (1000 x 1.57959).
On the flip side, the exchange rate can also tell the investor how much he'll receive if he converts dollars back into euros. If he has $1000, he can either divide that amount by the same euro to dollar exchange rate ($1000/1.57959 = 633.07 euros), or look up the conversation rate for dollars to euros on the Internet, etc. (i.e. .633072) and multiply it by the amount of dollars to exchange ($1000 x .633072 = 633.07 euros).
Once the exchange rate concept is understood, the investor can feel more confident in investing in the Forex market.
Sigma Services
As a professional online trading service Sigma strives to give an eminent beyond comparison of professional and individualized trading services, Sigma also provides several facilities for all kinds of traders.
Sigma helps private and institutional clients achieve their trading goals by offering an inclusive forex trading package, along with the state-of-art trading platform, real-time news and wireless access. We relegate to meeting and exceeding our customers' expectations with the utmost professionalism and integrity.
Sigma provides appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partners’ specified requirements. A client's profit is our success and a client's loss is a significant call of action for us, we consider every client as a special case and a partner.
Sigma's Customer Support is our business core, as we provide 24/7 customer support. We keep in touch with all our clients to make sure that we are on the right pass

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Information on Forex Trading Currency  

Forex dealing is all about playing with stocks and money from other countries and corresponding forms of products. One nation’s money is considered against the money from another country to figure the value. The entire value is taken into review when buying and selling stocks on the FX markets. Most countries have management over the total worth of their country with regards to monies. Individuals speculating in the FX markets include banking institutions, large businesses, international administrations and finance companies.
So what makes the forex market different from the stock market? A forex market transaction is a trade between two countries, and occurs all over the world. The two countries are 1, the country of the investor of the funds and 2, the country the money is being invested in. Most all transactions taking place on the forex stock exchange will likely be qualified through an experienced broker such as a bank.
What is involved in the forex stock exchange? The overseas market is combined from various types of dealings and nations. For those invested in the forex exchange tend to trade in boastfully large volumes along with gigantic sums of money. For those deep into the forex stock market probably have financial businesses or are in businesses where assets are bought and sold quickly. While the US stock exchange is immense you would be right to imagine the forex stock market as even more immense than the stock market in any one country overall. Those involved in the forex market are trading 365 days per year, twenty-four hours a day and sometimes on the week-ends.
It may surprise you to see the number of people who issue trades on the forex exchange. In the year 2004, almost two trillion dollars was the mean forex trading volume This is an immense number of trades for the number of daily transactions to take place. Think about how much a trillion dollars really is then double that, and this amount is the average that is traded on any given day on the forex exchange!
The forex market is not something new, as it has been used for over thirty years but with the introduction of computers, and the global web, the forex exchange is growing exponentially as growing numbers of investors begin to see how easy trading on the forex exchange can be. Forex only accounts for about ten percent of the sum of all trades between two countries but as the popularity in this market continues to grow so could that number

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Forex Trading  

Some people understand what a Forex trading really means. But there are also some who don’t know and don’t even understand.
Forex trading or foreign exchange is some kind of strategy to engage in any transactions. This will make possible to purchase the currency issued from one nation to other country. It was conducted to increase the value of the investment. Typically, Forex trades involve in two transactions. This is an idea that acquire currency that wants to increase there value of time. Just like an example is in Europe who has the currency in circulation is Euro while in the USA is US Dollar. The example of this Forex trade is to buy the Euro while sell the US Dollar.
To create a right and good Forex trade, investors needs constantly monitor the exchange rate between the countries different currency. This has typically done through a market maker. Well, it’s not easy for the Forex trader to trade the currency they have. A Forex trader must choose a currency pair that can change in value and place a trade accordingly. Forex trade has been popularly done by many people around the world. This is an easy way to earned money, by just exchanging rates to other currencies in different countries.

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LMT Forex Formula Review, It's a scam?  

With so many new Forex products coming into the market every day, it can be difficult choosing one that will be as effective as you would like it to be. Most Forex products promise unbelievable results and prey on people who are new to the industry because of their vulnerability. If you are looking for a Forex product that you can trust, you should get LMT Forex Formula.
LMT stands for Low Maintenance Trading, and that is exactly what the program offers. It is a program created by one of the most established names in the industry- Dean Saunders. Saunders is the author of many other Forex products in the past, all of which are known to be effective. That is one of the main reasons that make the program trustworthy.

The other main reason to trust the program is that it is not a Forex robot. Forex robots are a highly risky proposition as they take over the entire trading process. There is no human input to the program and it only runs on an algorithm. Algorithms may not always give accurate results, which could means thousands of dollars in cash for you. LMT Forex Formula does not trade on your behalf. Instead, it uses its algorithm to identify the trade, but only goes ahead with the trade once you have given your confirmation. And, the program also helps you decide whether or not a trade is profitable. It provides you with 4 checks and if the checks are satisfactory, you can go ahead with the trade.
The best thing about LMT Forex Formula is that it only deals with trade that can make over 100 pips. So, you will only have to look at a few trades a week as opposed to many trades throughout the day. This makes it easy even for a part-time trader to make money.

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Japanese Investors Want A Piece Of The Forex Market  

Investors and financial backers from Japanese retail companies are now jumping into the forex market even though there was a recent major surge of the yen when compared to the U.S. dollar.For most forex traders, this change in the value of the yen against the dollar has been a wake up call. There is a large amount of traders who have their life savings invested in the market and the thought of losing it all in a heartbeat can be very nerve-racking.Research data from Yano Research Institute has recently shown that the amount of forex trading accounts nearly doubled in 2006 with a total of 644,802. Data from Yano also mentioned that this number is supposed to increase another sixty-two percent by March of 2008.Surprisingly, the jump for the Yen has not scared away most traders because they are playing the market to get long-term results. Junichi Katsuno, who represents Himawari Shoken in its financial markets division, mentioned that, "There are many people who take a long-term view and are waiting to buy [dollars]." He also added, "There aren't that many people who expect the yen to strengthen that much more."

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Japanese Investors Want A Piece Of The Forex Market  

Investors and financial backers from Japanese retail companies are now jumping into the forex market even though there was a recent major surge of the yen when compared to the U.S. dollar.For most forex traders, this change in the value of the yen against the dollar has been a wake up call. There is a large amount of traders who have their life savings invested in the market and the thought of losing it all in a heartbeat can be very nerve-racking.Research data from Yano Research Institute has recently shown that the amount of forex trading accounts nearly doubled in 2006 with a total of 644,802. Data from Yano also mentioned that this number is supposed to increase another sixty-two percent by March of 2008.Surprisingly, the jump for the Yen has not scared away most traders because they are playing the market to get long-term results. Junichi Katsuno, who represents Himawari Shoken in its financial markets division, mentioned that, "There are many people who take a long-term view and are waiting to buy [dollars]." He also added, "There aren't that many people who expect the yen to strengthen that much more."

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Forex Trading Begin making money with FOREX  

ANYONE can profit from the forex funnel system even with no knowledge and no trading experience, this is the money you have already missed out on by not getting the forex funnel system earlier. DONT WAIT ANY LONGER. is a division of LIBSA International Group, a dedicated partner to professional FX traders and fund managers worldwide. Individual forex traders can take advantage of the market expertise and financial strength of LIBSA International Group and access an institutional FX trading platform, along with powerful real-time forex charts, professional forex market research, and suite of advanced forex trading tools. For traders new to the currency trading, in partnership with the forex funnel has been designed a system easy to setup and profit from it right away. Even if the most you have ever used your internet for is browsing ebay or checking emails, you will still be able to use this system to funnel money.. ... But don’t think this is restricted to newbies, if you are a proven forex trader - you can profit from this system even faster, however it does not distinguish between skillsets, it simply makes money for ANYONE, anywhere in the world that has an internet connection.

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Introduction to Forex Trading  

Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. In other words, the currency of one country is exchanged for that of another.

The currencies of the world are on a floating exchange rate, and are always traded in pairs - Euro/Dollar, Dollar/Yen, etc. In excess of 85 percent of all daily transactions involve the trading of the major currencies - U.S. Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar.

The Foreign Exchange market (FOREX) is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world with a daily turnover of over $2 trillion, more than three times the aggregate amount of the United States Equity and Treasury markets combined. By comparison, the currency futures market is only one percent the size of the Foreign Exchange Market.

Unlike other financial markets like the futures and stock markets, the Forex market has no physical location and no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals (referred to as Interbank) trading one currency for another.

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Forex Market  

Forex Market Hours
One of the main reasons why the forex market is so popular is because it is a 24 hour continuous market. Although the sessions on each of the separate exchanges generally open from 10AM to 6PM local time, they overlap each other like a relay race. Therefore, you can trade at any time and you can set your own hours. This is great for those who are not interested in a typical 9 to 5 job or for those who want to start trading on a part time basis.
Equal Opportunity Trading
The forex market is considered part of the Over The Counter, or OTC market, which means it doesn’t have a physical or central location. The forex market is run electronically within a network of banks and is made up of all participants that trade between themselves. The sheer size of the forex market makes it impossible for large investment or central banks to manipulate pricing for extended periods of time. This levels the playing field for all the average joe traders out there.
What it Means for You
Since there isn’t a centralized location and because there is little regulation of the forex market, there is heavy competition between different providers to attract the most traders and volume. It also means that the firm you trade with is your counterpart. The advantages are that you can trade directly with the market and that your transaction costs are kept down. The ability to make large profit off leverage is another advantage to the stock exchange. With some firms, you can trade or borrow up to 200 times the balance in your account. This means that a .5% move in the market can turn into a 100% gain.
The forex market is also popular because it doesn’t cost much to start trading. You have to be in it to win it, as some lotto slogans say. There are some online forex brokers that require as little as $10.00 to deposit in a trading account to get started. In the beginning, only large institutions could trade on the forex market; however the internet has made it possible for smaller investors to trade as well. Due to the popularity of online forex trading, the competition between online forex brokers is fierce. As a direct result, the minimum deposits to trade have now become very low

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Global Forex SA  

Forex stands for FOReign EXchange and represents the mechanism by which the value (price) of a currency is established in relation to another. This value is called the exchange rate and the FOREX market is the market on which the various currencies are exchanged.
The FOREX market was born because any economic transaction involving two operators of different nationalities has to pass, sooner or later, through the stage of the purchase and sale of currencies. Over the last twenty years, however, the role of pure speculation on FOREX has become increasingly important, to the extent that, today, around 90% of the transactions on this market are speculative.
The FOREX market is an "over-the-counter" market and has no precise physical location. FOREX trades are made bilaterally, between two contracting parties, who independently establish the terms of the exchange contract. So, the rates indicated by the international information circuits, such as Reuters or Bloomberg, are indicative and not operational, and there are no predetermined quantities, settlement methods and due dates.
The main actors on this market are banks, brokers, hedge funds and central banks.
The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, uninterruptedly, from Sunday night (Monday morning in Japan) to Friday evening (close of the US Markets.
The value of a currency reflects the economic situation of the country involved. The variables that describe this situation, e.g. inflation, interest rates, GDP growth, etc., are referred to as "fundamentals". They also include the exchange rate, which influences and, in turn, is influenced by the other "fundamentals".
Generally speaking, fundamentals indicating a flourishing economic situation with good future prospects tend to cause the value of a currency to rise, and vice versa.

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Forex Trading  

In recent years, there are many people are involved in forex trading. Do you know what forex trading is ? Have you ever saw trading on the stock market? OK, Forex trading is just quite similar with that and in this field we make a deals with trading currencies amongst different countries which is usually done with a financial institution or a broker.

At this moment, we can say that Forex becomes the largest market on the planet and it is always changing, worldwide, 24×7. All these aspect is one of the things that makes forex so exciting. With that kind of activity, it is not always accurately predictable, but you need to understand the market so that you can jump on profitable trades and minimize your losses in losing trades, which is all based on the strategy that you utilize.

However, before you start to trade, one important things that you need to know and understand forex trading is a gamble, and like the advice offered to those who want to enter this field, never play with money you cannot afford to lose. Keep in mind There are no guarantees in the forex market, which means that you need to utilize all the tools at your disposal to ensure you have considered all factors that will impact a currency’s value, both now and in the future.

They are a key player when it comes to forex markets and trading. The central banks are located in New York, Tokyo and London. In fact, these are the areas where the concentration of central banks are the largest. If financial institutions suffer a loss in the forex market, the investors will also feel the loss.

If you really want to get serious please take the time to learn the forex market, since the financial rewards are huge, but make sure you also protect yourself by allowing for a potential loss.

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Forex Successful Currency Trading  

The Foreign Exchange - Forex, FX - market is one of the biggest markets today. Daily turnover has skyrocketed from approximately 5 billion USD in 1977, to a staggering 3 trillion (and more) US dollars today. This is more than 40 times the daily turnover of the NASDAQ.

Forex currency trading is attractive to traders as currency markets are cnstantly fluctuating and there is potential to profit whether a currency is going up or down. Traders trade on margin which leverages their potential gains. What also makes it so popular is that there is no centralized location for trading as there is in futures or stocks, as trading occurs around the clock over the telephone and on computer terminals at thousands of locations worldwide.

Currency trading occurs when one country's currency is traded for another country's currency at the prevailing exchange rate. All currency is traded in LOTS. Each lot has a different amount of currency. Currency trading is carried out on a point (or pip) system. Traders are trying to capture points. Depending on the currency, each point is worth a different amount. For example, if the Brittish Pound is worth about $10 per point that is traded per lot and you trade 1 lot and capture 40 points, you make $400.

Forex currency trading does involve substantial amount of risk. About 10% of people make money and 90% lose money on currency trading! Why? Because many of those who enter the currency trading market are dirven by emotions and know very little about the techniques of currency trading. Having some forex currency trading education, being in the optimal state of mind, and having the right tools can help you to join the ranks of those 10% of people who do make money in forex currency trading.

Currency trading professionals seek price fluctuations and investors seek return on investment. Both take a calculated risk that is minimized by knowledge, optimal mind set, and the right tools. Currency trading turns into gambling when you are uneducated, trade emotionally or with a "hot tip".

Successful Forex Trading set of CDs is designed to help you become a successful Forex trader by programming your subconscious mind to help you choose the best currencies to trade, when to enter, when to exit the trade, develop your intuition and open yourself to financial abundance. Financial wizards will tell you that 80% of financial wizardry is in your mindset and the other 20% is in techniques and mechanics.
Successful Forex Trading CDs help you to get into the optimal mindset for successful Forex trading. Beside having the optimal mindset, you could also tremendously benefit from having the right tools - like Real Money Doubling Forex Robot - click here to watch the videos that show you the results you can achieve

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Central Bank of Kenya-Exchange Rates - Forex Rates  

Monday, November 2, 2009

Central Bank of Kenya-Exchange Rates - Forex Rates

SNO CurrencyMeanBuySellDate
1 USD75.238975.150075.327830.Oct.2009
2 GBP124.5032124.3434124.663030.Oct.2009
3 EUR111.6191111.4775111.760630.Oct.2009
4 ZAR09.735409.664309.806530.Oct.2009
5 UGX25.066924.970925.163030.Oct.2009
6 TZS17.610717.523417.697930.Oct.2009
7 AED20.484620.459620.509630.Oct.2009
8 CAD70.514070.418870.609330.Oct.2009
9 CHF73.880173.748074.012330.Oct.2009
10 JPY82.683582.575282.791830.Oct.2009
11 SEK10.775910.757910.793830.Oct.2009
12 NOK13.347413.312213.382630.Oct.2009
13 DKK14.989014.968315.009730.Oct.2009
14 INR01.602501.600301.604730.Oct.2009
15 HKD09.708009.695909.720130.Oct.2009
16 SGD53.846053.755453.936530.Oct.2009
17 SAR20.063220.038920.087430.Oct.2009
18 CNY11.020011.005811.034130.Oct.2009
19 AUD68.798568.702168.894830.Oct.2009
1. Rates are subject to change without notice.
2. Please note that these are Indicative Rates.

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Currency Directory

Country Capital Currency
Afghanistan Kabul Afghani
Algeria Algiers Dinar
Australia Canberra Australian Dollar
Austria Vienna Schilling
Argentina Buenos Aires Austral
Belgium Brussels Belgian franc
Bhutan Thimphu Ngultrum
Bolivia La Paz Boliviano
Brazil Brasilia cruzeira
Brunei Manama Brunei Dollar
Bulgaria Sofia Lev
Bahrain --- Dinar
Bangladesh Dhaka Taka
Burma Rangoon Kyat
Canada Ottawa Canadian Dollar
Cuba Havana Cuban Peiso
China Beijing Yuan
Czechoslovakia Prague Koruna
Denmark Copenhagen Krone
Egypt Cairo Pound
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Birr
France Paris French Franc
Finland Helsinki Markka
Germany Berlin Deutsch Mark
Greece Athens Drachma
Hong Kong Victoria Hong Kong Dollar
Hungary Budapest Forint
Israel Jerusalem Shekel
India New Delhi Rupee
Indonesia Djakarta Repiah
Iran Tehran Riyal
Iraq Baghdad Dinar
Italy Rome Lira
Japan Tokyo Yen
Jordan Amman Dinar
Kenya Nairobi Kenyan Shilling
Korea - Korean Won
Kuwait Kuwait Dinar
Lebanon Beirut Lebanese Pound
Libya Tripoli Libyan Dinar
Luxembourg --- Luxembourg Franc
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringgit
Monaco Monaco Villa
Myanmar Yangon Kyat
Maldives --- Rufiyaa
Mauritania Nouakchott Ouguiya
Mauritius Port Louis Mauritian Rupee
Mexico Mexico City Mexican Peso
Morocco Rabat Dirham
Mozambique Maputo Metical
Norway Oslo Norwegian Krone
Nepal Katmandu Nepalese Rupee
Netherlands Amsterdam Guilder
New Zealand Wellington Dollar
Nigeria Lagos Najra
Oman Muscat Riyal
Panama --- Bolboa
Portugal Lisbon Portuguese Escudo
Pakistan Islamabad Rupee
Philippines Manila Peso
Qatar --- Riyal
Romania Bucharest Leu
Senegal Dakar CFA Franc
Swaziland Mbabane Lilangeni
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Riyal
Singapore --- Singapore Dollar
South Africa Johannesburg Rand
Spain Madrid Peseta
Sri Lanka Colombo Rupee
Sudan Khartoum Pound
Sweden Stockholm Crown
Switzerland Burne Swiss Franc
Syria Damascus Pound
Taiwan Taipei New Taiwan Dollar
Tanzania Dar-es-Salam Tanzanian Shilling
Tunisia Tunis Dinar
Turkey Ankara Turkish Lira
Thailand Bangkok Bhat
United Kingdom London Pound Sterling
U.A.E Abu Dhabi Dirham
U.S.A Washington U.S. Dollar
U.S.S.R Moscow Rouble
Venezuela Caracas Bolivar
Vietnam Hanoi Dong
Yugoslavia Belgrade Yugoslavian Dinar
Yemen (N) Sana Riyal
Yemen (S) Aden Riyal
Zambia Lusaka Kwacha
Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwean Dollar

KSE Market

KSE Market Summary Oct 30, 2009 16:40

KSE All Share Index
KSE 100 Index
KSE 30 Index
KMI 30 Index

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